Author: irina

Why Smart People Do Stupid Things

The modern workplace is rife with functional stupidity. In this CBC Spark episode, Nora Young explores why stupidity gets rewarded at work. Listen to her speak to André Spicer who explains why “Smart people doing stupid things.” (click on the image below to hear the audio)    

November 23, 2016 0

Motivation Monday

Hearing is a gift you are born with. Listening is a practice. And ACTIVE LISTENING is a skill. Like other skills, active listening is highly attainable by the practice of listening.

November 21, 2016 0

Fun Friday

…And now, here’s a thought for everyone who’s not happy with their work.

November 18, 2016 0

Satisfaction With Life Scale

The Satisfaction with Life Scale was developed to assess satisfaction with people’s lives as a whole. The scale does not assess satisfaction with specific life domains, such as health or finances, but allows subjects to integrate and weigh these domains in whatever way they choose. It takes only a few minutes to complete. Author: Ed…
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November 16, 2016 0

Motivation Monday

[ted id=618 lang=en] Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.

November 14, 2016 0

Fun Friday

A chart on how to detect a lie. Does it really work?  

November 11, 2016 0

How To Take Stock (aka Self-Assessment)

People spend about 50% of their waking hours each day at work (based on 8 hr/day work schedule and 8 hr/day sleep). That’s half of  your waking hours each day, during the week. How do you chose to spend that time? Are your interests closely matched with your skills in your current career? In this…
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November 9, 2016 0

Motivation Monday

Leonard Nimoy. March 26, 1931 – February 27, 2015 “a lifelong lover of the arts and humanities, a supporter of the sciences, generous with his talent and his time.” – U.S. President Barack Obama

November 7, 2016 0

Fun Friday

November 4, 2016 0

How Much Do You Get Paid?

Employers use “Information Asymmetry” in order to save money. If they have all the information on how much everyone in their organisation gets paid (and don’t share it with you), you are at a disadvantage when the time comes to negotiate your salary. In this TED talk, David Burkus argues that everyone’s pay should be transparent and…
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November 3, 2016 0