What Choice Do You Have?
I know someone who has a lot of trouble making choices. Every choice, from deciding what colour shirt to wear to choosing a career change, is a major undertaking. It’s painful to watch. Sheena Iyengar studies how we make choices — and how we feel about the choices we make. At TEDGlobal, she talks about…
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Your Internal Conversation
Do you ever listen to your self-talk? That little voice inside your head that berates you or keeps gnawing at you – saying things like: “I can’t believe you just said that”, or “who do you think you are anyway?” Negative self-talk leads to a lowered self-worth. “To feel unworthy is to suffer.” In their…
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Fun Friday
By now, everyone has heard of Helen and Al, the 90-year-old grandparents who are so lovingly overprotective of their 18-year-old granddaughter. Watch here (be forewarned this clip contains some explicit language – – – from the grandparents!)