Category: Negotiation Techniques

LoL could Stand for Laugh Out Loud or Limitation of Liability in a Contract.

Limiting Liability

I was texting with my long-time friend when she replied to my (rather lame) joke, with “LOL”. Of course, in this instance, “LOL” means Laughing Out Loud – as to say that my friend is laughing out loud about my joke. But this LOL brought up two images for me. The first is from that…
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October 9, 2019 0
Power Negotiating

Negotiation Power

Watch Adam Galinsky teach the tools for gaining negotiating power in asserting yourself and navigating tricky social situations.

February 27, 2019 0

Divorce Negotiation

This is how a divorce negotiation went…  

November 2, 2016 0
NegotiateLife Contract Strategy

What To Do When You’re Let Go From Work

I got a frantic call from a client the other day who was calling as he was driving out of his work’s parking garage. He was just laid off from his job of 19 years. The young girl from the HR department kept pressing him to sign off on the termination papers right there, but luckily…
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October 25, 2016 0


One of my clients and I were discussing a strategy to an upcoming negotiation. My client described the conversation she would have with her opponent on a topic of importance to her. After listening to her go off on a topic for quite a while, I asked her how that line of conversation would serve…
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October 18, 2016 0

Simple Ways to Create Agreement

In this TED talk, William Ury, author of “Getting to Yes” offers an elegant, simple (but not easy) way to create agreement in even the most difficult situations — from family conflict to, perhaps, the Middle East.

October 12, 2016 0


Back when I was just starting out in my career, my manager graciously sent me to a course in time management where I was first introduced to the book  called “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” written by Stephen R. Covey.  The course mostly focused on time management (a required job function of my then-current…
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September 22, 2016 0


BATNA is a term coined by Roger Fisher and William Ury in their 1981 besteller Getting to Yes: Negotiating without Giving In. It’s the acronym that stands for “Best Alternative To aNegotiated Agreement”. A good BATNA allows you to walk into any negotiation in a more comfortable position.  If you know you have a good alternative to the current negotiation…
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September 14, 2016 0

Anchoring in Negotiations

Anchoring, in negotiation, is a reference point which forces us to rely heavily on that starting reference (the “anchor”) when making sense of an agreement or proposal. It is a cognitive bias that affects our subsequent decision making, whether it’s a starting price derived from a valid calculation or a number pulled out of a…
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September 11, 2016 0

How to Negotiate Without Trying

All the kids have returned to school this week. I see them walking down the street with their backpacks full of new school supplies and it reminds me of my grade 5 teacher, who always said: “There’s no such thing as a bad question!” Asking questions is important. The right questions lead to important information…
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September 7, 2016 0